Hallucinogens cause perception-altering effects on the individuals who take them. While many hallucinogens are found in plants, mushrooms, and other natural substances, some are man-made. According to the NIDA, “Almost all hallucinogens contain nitrogen and are classified as alkaloids.”
These substances can cause hallucinations as well as altered effects caused by nonexistent sights, sounds, feelings, and sensations, which is why hallucinogens have been used in religious events and rituals for a hundreds of years. Unfortunately, hallucinogenic drugs can also be incredibly dangerous and may cause many psychological and health issues for the user including high tolerance, long-term psychological consequences, and in some cases, even death.
We can help you find treatment to stop using hallucinogens. Call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) today.
Hallucinogen Effects

Hallucinogens can cause intense psychosis.
The effects of hallucinogens are mostly psychological, though there are some physical effects as well. Most hallucinogens cause an increase in blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate as well as dry mouth and tremors. Psychologically, hallucinogens can cause hallucinations, depersonalization, synethesia, and, in the long term, flashbacks and psychological disorders.
A person could also have an adverse reaction to most hallucinogens, also known as a bad trip. This may cause the individual to experience paranoia, panic, delusions, fear, terror, anxiety, and, in some cases, intense psychosis.
The Issue of Hallucinogen Abuse
“According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), more than 1.1 million people aged 12 or older reported using hallucinogens within the past 12 months” (NIDA). While these drugs are not as highly abused as some other illicit drugs (like methamphetamine and heroin), the abuse of hallucinogens is still a real problem. Most well-known hallucinogens, like psilocybin, PCP, LSD, and peyote, are all Schedule I drugs. There are others which may range from Schedule II to IV, given their possible legitimate use as a pharmaceutical drug. Hallucinogens are dangerous. Call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) for help finding treatment for hallucinogen addiction.
Hallucinogen Addiction
Different hallucinogens are more likely to cause addiction than others; for example, PCP users are extremely likely to become addicted to the drug and to put themselves in a very dangerous situation while LSD users are not. Even though LSD itself is still dangerous, the tolerance it causes can often be diminished quickly and it has thus far shown no signs of causing psychological or physical dependence in users (CESAR).
What Can I Do?
If someone you know is abusing hallucinogens or if you yourself have been abusing these drugs for some time, asking for help is extremely necessary. Treatment will often be needed in order for the individual to work through their issues of hallucinogen abuse, even if they are not addicted. The longer someone abuses hallucinogens, the more chances there are for the individual to experience intense psychological and/or physical issues as a result.
Learn more about hallucinogens and the problems they can cause by exploring the information listed, and if you need to speak with someone about your own hallucinogen abuse (or the drug abuse of someone close to you), call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) toll free, 24 hours a day. Hallucinogens can be extremely dangerous, especially in high doses, and it is never too late to seek help and treatment for hallucinogen abuse.