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Dabs – Are They the Future of Hallucinogenic Drugs?

One new trend that’s emerging on the streets is dabs. These are a form of marijuana or THC concentrates that have a honey-like appearance.

They initially appeared in California about six years ago, but have begun to spread across the country. Because they are so potent, many are afraid that this form of marijuana could be the future of hallucinogenic drugs.

How Dabs Are Made

Dabs are different than simply smoking marijuana buds. Instead, the THC inside the buds is extracted through a special process.

One of the most common methods is to combine finely ground marijuana with butane solvent. Over time, the butane will evaporate, leaving behind a liquid that has a very high concentration of THC. THC is the main chemical in marijuana that causes you to get high.

This sticky liquid ends up resembling butter or honey and has a golden brown color.

How Dabs Are Used

Dabs are typically used in two different ways.

Primarily, they are smoked using a vaporizer or glass bong, just like with normal weed. However, they might also be combined with food or drink so a person can ingest them.

When using a vaporizer, a person will experience an almost instant high.

Are Dabs Stronger Than Smoking a Joint?

Hallucinogenic Drugs

Dabs provide a much higher concentration of THC than regular marijuana.

Because dabs use a highly concentrated amount of THC, they are much more potent than simply smoking a normal joint.

The Drug Enforcement Administration estimates that the average dab is about 54 percent THC, while a standard joint is only 14 percent THC. However, dabs can range anywhere from 30 to 99 percent THC depending on how they are made.

To put that in physical perspective, a .5 gram dab is equal in strength to 3.5 grams of weed.

This means that a person using dabs will get a much more intense high, producing extreme physical and psychological effects.

While this might sound fun, keep in mind that this is extremely dangerous for your health. In fact, scientists estimate that marijuana has 400 more carcinogens than a filtered cigarette.

Not only that, but it has been shown to do irreparable damage to adolescent brains, prohibiting growth in areas such as memory, motivation, and cognitive rational reasoning.

If that weren’t enough, dabs are typically extremely flammable due to the butane used in the manufacturing process. Many people have died as a result of fires and explosions related to dabs.

Still not convinced that dabs are dangerous? Call us at 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) so we can give you the rest of the facts and persuade you to stop this habit.

Is Dab Use on the Rise?

There’s no doubt about it – dab use is on the rise.

Many cities and states across America have reported an increased use of dabs.

And that might be because, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the amount of THC in marijuana is on the rise.

While you can’t get physically dependent on marijuana, you can build up a tolerance to it. This increase in high-THC marijuana might be because so many people now have a tolerance, but still want to achieve the same high.

And what’s the best way to deliver the highest possible amount of THC? You guessed it – dabs.

Because of this, dabs may very well be the future of hallucinogenic drugs. They’re easy to use and highly potent, making them extremely dangerous.

To learn more about the hazardous effects of dabs, or for help weaning yourself off marijuana, please give our hotline a call at 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) . Our experts can further explain the deadly rise of dabs as well as give you tips for lowering your marijuana consumption.

Long-term Coping Mechanisms for THC Addiction


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