Qualities of the Best Hallucinogen Addiction Treatment Centers
Hallucinogen drugs are categorized by the psychoactive effects that they have on the user’s thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and overall consciousness. They include psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin (magic mushrooms), PCP, and mescaline which comes from the peyote plant. Dissociative hallucinogens cause the user to feel detached from their environment or themselves. PCP, Ketamine, Dextromporphan (DXM), and Salvia divinorum are examples of these types of hallucinogens. Other drugs such as Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) are categorized as deliriant hallucinogens although they are over the counter (OTC) drugs.
Hallucinogen Abuse
Hallucinogenic drugs have been used in rituals and religious practices for centuries. These practices were intended to provide “visions” or mystical insight from the detachment from self and reality. Today, abuse of hallucinogens is everywhere and most people abuse hallucinogens to alter perceptions in the mind or sensory functions in the central nervous system. The synthetic productions of hallucinogens in clandestine laboratories, around the world, have contributed to their rise in popularity and availability for abuse.
Hallucinogen Addiction Treatment
Detox safety is the first step in hallucinogen addiction treatment and although hallucinogen withdrawals are not marked by any severe physical ailments, the psychological symptoms can be severe or dangerous. Depression is a major withdrawal symptom that when combined with violent tendencies, can lead the person to harmful or suicidal thoughts. Mental health side effects may also include hallucinations, deliriums, drastic mood swings, or psychosis which should be monitored for safety purposes. Administration of anti-psychotic and other medications can be helpful to stabilize the addict and prepare them for behavioral intervention strategies that will help them to remain abstinent and prevent relapse.
Qualities of the Best Hallucinogen Addiction Treatment Centers

An open and supportive environment is important for treatment.
The qualities of the best hallucinogen addiction treatment centers are recognized by their knowledge and ability to appropriately provide treatment that will allow the hallucinogen addict to maintain abstinence. It is imperative that the clinical professionals are able to help the addict develop skills to cope with daily stressors and reinforce cognitive behavioral strategies that promote positive thought patterns and appropriate behaviors.
Counseling and therapy programs should be able to address any underlying issues that contribute to the abuse or induce “triggers” that caused them to use, as well as any physical and mental health impairments or co-existing substance abuse problems. Support groups and after care services are a necessity in preventing relapse and the best hallucinogen addiction treatment centers will provide tools, resources, and assistance to help the addict build a support network to rely on for the indefinite future.
It is important to verify that the facility is licensed, registered, and approved for hallucinogen addiction treatment through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) treatment facility locator.
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