How Psilocybin Mushrooms Addiction Can Be Treated in a Residential Facility
If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction of any kind, it is important to know your treatment options. If your particular situation involves a psilocybin mushroom addiction, then you need to be aware of how it can be treated in a residential facility.
How Do Psilocybin Mushrooms Affect the User?
Psilocybin mushrooms are hallucinogens, which are drugs that alter perception of reality. An individual abusing psilocybin may experience hallucinations and visual distortions that appear to be real but are merely products of the drug. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, other side effects can include:
- Changes in mood
- Increase in heart rate
- Nausea
If you are experiencing these negative effects due to drug abuse, call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) to speak with a specialist about the help and care you can receive.
What Can a Residential Facility Offer?
Various treatment programs are available for psilocybin addiction. As psilocybin is psychologically addictive and not physically addictive, many of the programs will focus on the mind rather than the body. Depending on the severity of a person’s condition, the length and intensity of the recovery program may vary. The primary focus of residential treatment, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, is to:
- Restore damaged beliefs
- Address destructive behaviors
- Teach individuals how to integrate themselves back into regular life

Counseling sessions are offered in residential treatment facilities.
Each of these aspects are important to ensure a more successful and sustainable recovery even after you leave the facility. They can be achieved through:
- Activities offered by the facility
- Group therapy
- Counseling sessions
- Support groups
Why Are These Factors So Important to Recovery?
The programs and activities for psilocybin treatment in a residential center can aid in your recovery in ways that you may not be able to achieve on your own. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration highlights the importance of group support in recovery, explaining how it can help an individual to hear about the successful recoveries of former addicts, even if they were not addicted to psilocybin.
Being able to surround yourself with people you can related to can encourage you through each step of the process, and only a residential treatment center can offer this level of peer support.
Behavioral therapy received consistently throughout your stay at a facility will teach you how to cope with any cravings or triggers that will most certainly arise once you return to ordinary life; you can learn valuable tips to sustain your recovery.
Psilocybin recovery is about so much more than just abstaining from it. It is also about dealing with the effect psilocybin mushrooms had on you physically, emotionally, and socially, because some of your relationships may have been hurt as well.
If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction and looking for the right treatment option for you, residential facilities offer great services to help make your recovery the best possible. Don’t hesitate to call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) to speak with a caring specialist who can answer any of your questions and concerns.
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