Coping with Persistent Psychosis
Persistent psychosis is a possible side effect of hallucinogen abuse. While this issue can be difficult to overcome, there are a number of coping mechanisms that can help make the process easier.
Seek Professional Substance Abuse Treatment
Many of the drugs that cause persistent psychosis do not cause addiction. Still, it could be very beneficial to you to attend professional rehab in order to learn to cope with this disorder. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Psychotherapy may… help patients cope with fear or confusion associated with visual disturbances” and other effects of persistent psychosis.
Antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs may also be beneficial and can be received through professional rehab for substance abuse.
Call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) now to find safe, reliable rehab centers where you can receive the necessary treatments for persistent psychosis. Drug abuse is extremely dangerous, and without professional help, it can be very difficult to overcome its effects, especially one as intense and problematic as this disorder.
Learn More
As stated by the Center for Substance Abuse Research, this disorder can sometimes occur in individuals who have never had any issues with co-occurring mental illness. This is generally one of the most difficult issues associated with persistent psychosis, especially if you do not understand what is happening to you.
One way to cope, consequently, is to learn more about the disorder, what kinds of issues it will cause, and how you can recognize your personal triggers for psychotic symptoms.
Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can help you cope with persistent psychosis.
The paranoia, visual disturbances, and mood disorders associated with this syndrome can be hard to control, but through practicing mindfulness, you can begin to feel more at peace with your thoughts and less like you are struggling against them. One can learn mindfulness practice with the help of meditation.
- Find a quiet spot and sit down.
- Close your eyes.
- Focus on your breath until you are able to feel calm enough to let your thoughts move in and out of your mind.
- Try not to judge your thoughts or hold onto them. Just acknowledge them and then move on to the next in a calm, serene manner.
Take Care of Yourself
One of the best ways to cope with this disorder is just to take better care of yourself and to form healthier habits.
- Eat healthy meals, and try to eat at the same times every day.
- Get plenty of sleep and make sure your sleep schedule is consistent.
- Exercise regularly, even if you are just taking walks around the block.
- Avoid caffeine, fatty foods, and any other intense compounds or substances.
You Can Overcome Persistent Psychosis
By attending rehab treatment, receiving access to medications and behavioral therapies, and learning better coping skills, you can slowly begin to recover from this disorder. It may take time, but you can start to feel like yourself again as you learn to manage your symptoms without them overwhelming you.
Call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) now to learn about your rehab options and to find a treatment center that will help you recover as safely as possible from persistent psychosis and hallucinogen abuse.
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