Hallucinogens Facts
Understanding the facts surrounding hallucinogens and the use of these dangerous drugs can help you to thwart potentially serious consequences. While it may seem safe to use hallucinogens because they are mostly naturally occurring drugs or substances, there are extreme dangers with taking these drugs due to the variable and unreliable effects that hallucinogens tend to produce for the user. Unlike other drugs, hallucinogens have the potential to cause a wide range of effects even in the same user.
These hallucinogens facts are meant to provide you with a solid foundation of information that will help you to understand the dangers of using these drugs and the potential risks that you may encounter if you choose to use drugs such as LSD, PCP or mushrooms.
For more information about any of these drugs, call our toll-free helpline at 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) .
General Hallucinogen Facts
- Hallucinogens have the potential to cause varied effects in the user even if the user has used the same drug in the past. The varied and unreliable effects of hallucinogens are the primary danger concerned with taking the drug. Significant variations exist in the compounds that are found in the plants or fungus that produce hallucinogenic drugs which is the primary reason why there are so many variations in the “high” that a user will feel.
- According to a recent survey completed by the National Survey on Drug use and Health, an estimated 1.3 million people above the age of 11 had abused hallucinogens for the first time in the previous year. Unfortunately, hallucinogens are widely abused by youth, mostly people in their teen or young adult years.
- Hallucinogen users often experience “flashbacks.” A flashback is a repeat feeling or sense of a previous “trip” that comes back days, weeks or even years after a user has taken a particular hallucinogenic drug. Flashbacks occur mostly when a user has taken LSD and are more likely for those who take LSD for a prolonged period of time or use the drug repeatedly over and over again. Most of the time, flashbacks will only occur a few days after the drug use but in some, more rare cases, the flashbacks may occur many months after and could even cause serious disruptions in regular living for the user.
LSD Facts

Hallucinogenics cause potentially harmful symptoms such as fearsome hallucinations.
- LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, is one of the most potential mood-altering chemicals available in the world. The drug is derived from ergot which is a fungus that grows naturally on rye and certain types of grain.
- Most of the time, LSD is available in small, cardboard like pieces of paper called “blotter.” The paper may be decorated with artwork, colors or other designs to signify the “type” of LSD that is dipped or dropped onto the paper. Once dry, LSD is sold in individual pieces.
- LSD can also be purchased in a liquid form or dropped onto foods or other products. It is common for LSD to be sold on sugar cubes. The cubes will have a few drops of the chemical placed onto them and then once dry they are sold individually.
- It was very common for LSD to be used in the 1950s and 1960s. The drug was sometimes even prescribed to those who were mentally ill to help them recall feelings or thoughts that they had suppressed for various reasons. In the military, LSD was given to enemy troops to help elicit a truthful response.
Psilocybin Facts
- The drug, Psilocybin, is naturally found on a certain type of mushrooms that tend to grow in tropical and subtropical regions of the United States, South America and Mexico. Generally, mushrooms contain only a small trace of the active ingredient that causes the hallucinogen effect but this doesn’t stop users from taking mushrooms regularly to produce hallucinogen effects.
- Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years. The first recorded use of these hallucinogenic mushrooms was back in the time of the Aztecs. When taken, effects of “magic mushrooms” can last anywhere from 4-6 hours during which the user will experience a wide range of symptoms including hallucinations, visual patterns and varied moods.
- Mushrooms are considered a schedule 1 substance in the United States. The possession of psychedelic mushrooms is illegal and punishable by law.
- Some use ayahuasca, the brew that is made from mushrooms, to evoke a “spiritual cleansing” and to remove blockages and toxins from the emotions. These effects are in no way proven and are not considered safe in the U.S.
- Mushrooms are a dangerous form of hallucinogen that often lead to poisoning simply because a user takes a mushroom that he or she thinks is safe to take and is really a poisonous drug.
To learn more hallucinogen drug facts, or for help finding a treatment program, call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) .
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