Is Hallucinogen Addiction Treatment Really Necessary?
Hallucinogens encompass a wide range of drugs and substances, all of which vary in addiction potential. Whereas LSD and PCP tend to be highly addictive from a psychological (I want to use this drug now) sort of standpoint, psilocybin and salvia divinorum carry fewer addiction risks.
While addictive potential may vary within this group of drugs, different people react to any drug in different ways. In this respect, hallucinogen addiction can develop when using one of the least addictive substances depending on how you react to it.
Ultimately, hallucinogen addiction treatment becomes necessary when a person starts exhibiting classic signs of addiction. Understanding the of role hallucinogen addiction treatment can help you determine whether a drug problem requires treatment support.
For information on hallucinogen rehab program options, call our toll-free helpline at 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) .
Hallucinogen Addiction Potential
Hallucinogens are best known for their ability to produce “other-worldly” effects and out-of-body experiences. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, these effects result from drastic changes within the brain’s chemical system.
As a general rule, any substance capable of interfering with the brain’s natural chemical processes holds a potential for addiction. How any one drug interacts with any one person’s chemical makeup ultimately determines the risk for addiction.
For these reasons, the potential for developing a hallucinogen addiction can vary from person to person.
Inpatient and Outpatient Detox

If you’re unable to function normally without hallucinogens, you need addiction treatment help.
With the most addictive hallucinogen drug types, frequent, ongoing drug use leaves the brain in a state of perpetual chemical imbalance that grows worse with each passing day. By the time addiction sets in, the mind and body can no longer function normally without the drug’s effects.
Under these conditions, stopping drug use will bring on severe discomfort, making it even harder to abstain from further drug use. Inpatient detox programs operate within a heavily monitored treatment environment, providing medical care and emotional support on a 24-hour basis.
If you haven’t yet developed an addiction problem, outpatient detox programs offer a less intensive treatment environment that provides ongoing support through scheduled treatment sessions.
Residential vs. Outpatient Programs
Hallucinogen addiction most impacts a person’s way of thinking and behaving, creating an ongoing obsession with getting and using the drug. For this reason, addiction treatment doesn’t actually begin until the detox stage is completed.
According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, interventions commonly used in addiction treatment include:
- Relapse prevention training
- Group therapy
- Support group work
- One-on-one psychotherapy
Residential, or live-in programs provide an environment where you learn how to interact with others on a drug-free basis while developing healthy daily living skills for maintaining a drug-free lifestyle. This level of care is necessary when addiction is present.
Outpatient programs allow you to live at home, which works well for someone who has work, school and/or family responsibilities. During the course of treatment, you attend scheduled treatment sessions, usually during the week.
Treatment Considerations
While many people may choose hallucinogens over opiates and stimulants to lower their risk of becoming addicted, the actual risk of developing hallucinogen addiction can run low for some people and high for others. Once addiction does develop, the need for some form of treatment is no less critical than with any other type of addictive drug.
If you need help determining which type of treatment program will work best for you, please don’t hesitate to call our helpline at 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) to speak with one of our addiction specialists.
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