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Hallucinogens Tolerance, Addiction and Dependence - Hallucinogens are drugs that produce perception-altering, hallucinogenic effects. Most types of hallucinogens produce a tolerance in users, and some are addictive.
Safe Treatment for PCP Addiction - Professional care is necessary to recover from PCP addiction due to the potentially harmful side effects.
How to Avoid Hallucinogens this Holiday Season - There are numerous resources and techniques you can employ to avoid using hallucinogens during the holidays.
How to Deal with a Bad Trip - According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a bad trip is a negative experience while taking a hallucinogen. When you are addicted to hallucinogens, the likelihood of this phenomenon increases. Although most hallucinogens are not physically addictive, they are all psychologically addictive. If you are addicted to hallucinogens, the chances are you will experience ...
4 Signs that Your Teenager is Addicted to Drugs - When your child enters their teenage years, they go through a lot of changes and it can be hard to tell if something is wrong if wrong with them. Drug addiction usually presents the same symptoms in teens as there are in adults. However, there are a few noticeable signs that are more common in ...