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How to Avoid Hallucinogens this Holiday Season - There are numerous resources and techniques you can employ to avoid using hallucinogens during the holidays.
Why Do People Take Hallucinogens Around the Holidays? - Being such a stressful time of year, the holiday season is a common time for people to use hallucinogens as a way of escaping everyday life.
Hallucinogenic Drugs Causing Rise in Criminal Activity - The terrifying hallucinations and temporary insanity that hallucinogenic drug use can cause encourages bad behavior in those who use them.
Dabs – Are They the Future of Hallucinogenic Drugs? - Learn about how dabs are made, used, their potency, and the growing popularity of this potentially dangerous drug.
10 Reasons why Hallucinogens are Attractive to Teens - Many teenagers experiment with hallucinogens at one point or another for a number of reasons.