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Hallucinogenic Drugs Causing Rise in Criminal Activity - The terrifying hallucinations and temporary insanity that hallucinogenic drug use can cause encourages bad behavior in those who use them.
How to Deal with a Bad Trip - According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a bad trip is a negative experience while taking a hallucinogen. When you are addicted to hallucinogens, the likelihood of this phenomenon increases. Although most hallucinogens are not physically addictive, they are all psychologically addictive. If you are addicted to hallucinogens, the chances are you will experience ...
10 Reasons why Hallucinogens are Attractive to Teens - Many teenagers experiment with hallucinogens at one point or another for a number of reasons.
6 Steps for Treating a Bad Trip - A bad trip can be extremely dangerous and lead a person to hurt themselves or someone else. Therefore, it is important to do everything you can to help someone experiencing a bad trip. If you or someone you know is experiencing problems with hallucinogen abuse, call today to find a rehab center that will cater ...
Dabs – Are They the Future of Hallucinogenic Drugs? - Learn about how dabs are made, used, their potency, and the growing popularity of this potentially dangerous drug.