What is so Bad about Hallucinogens?
Many people ask what is so bad about a drug that gives you enhanced sensation and perception. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, most hallucinogens are not physically addictive but are psychologically addictive. Aside from psychological addiction, there are many other issues with taking hallucinogens.
Negative Short Term Side Effects
The negative short term side effects of most hallucinogens are well known. These side effects include:
- A negative hallucinatory experience also known as a bad trip
- Vomiting and nausea
- Confusion and disorganized thinking
- Dehydration
- Increases in blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate
- Insomnia
- Paranoia
- Anxiety
These short term side effects are often not incredibly severe but in some cases they can be extremely dangerous. Many of these short term effects can lead to long term damage.
Negative Long Term Side Effects
Not all of the negative long term side effects of all hallucinogens are known. Study of hallucinogens was stopped in the 1970s and 1980s when they were classified as having no medical benefit by the government. Those that are known can range from mild to devastating. These side effects are:
- Memory loss
- Flashbacks
- Permanent hallucinatory disorders such as HPPD, a rare condition that causes schizophrenic like hallucinations
- Cognitive disabilities that stop you from learning new skills or thinking through problems
- Disorganized speech or the inability to communicate your thoughts to others
- Disorganized thinking
- Learning disabilities
- Speech problems
These effects are long term and often debilitating. They can last a few months to a lifetime. Although lifetime effects are rare every person who uses hallucinogens takes the chance of developing them.
Legal Ramifications
Being caught with an illegal hallucinogen, like LSD is a serious crime. There are many people who do not understand the legal penalties for just a few pills or hits of a hallucinogen. Most think that it is a relatively simple matter but some hallucinogens can carry hefty fines or a prison sentence. Even though some hallucinogens are now being studied in a medical respect most still carry a nasty penalty.
There is also the problem of driving while on a hallucinogen. This issue works the same as a standard DUI. If you drive on a hallucinogen, you will be arrested and the charge is almost the same as a standard alcohol DUI. The fines are also the same.
Psychological Addiction
Psychological addiction is a serious issue. Many people do not understand that a mental or psychological addiction is much harder to reverse than a physical addiction. Trying to stop a physical addiction mainly involves detoxing off the drug and then finding ways to not use again. Trying to stop a psychological addiction involves restructuring your mind.
It takes specialized counseling and therapy to stop a psychological addiction. You can only find this in an addiction treatment center that deals with psychological addictions. To find one of these treatment centers call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) .
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