How Long Will My Flashbacks Last After I Stop Using Hallucinogens?
If you have begun to experience flashbacks as the result of hallucinogen abuse, it can be difficult to determine just how long this side effect will last. Many individuals experience severe issues associated with hallucinogen use, and this, unfortunately, is one of the most problematic. Still, with treatment the severity, frequency, and duration of these flashbacks can all be minimized somewhat, and you can begin gaining back control of your life.
What Causes Flashbacks Associated with Hallucinogen Abuse?
Unfortunately, we are somewhat unsure as to why these flashbacks occur in some individuals and not in others. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, both persistent psychosis and hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (also known as HPPD and the disorder associated with hallucinogen-induced flashbacks) “are more often seen in individuals with a history of psychological problems but can happen to anyone, even after a single exposure.” Therefore, neither predisposition to the issue nor long-term use of these drugs can be cited as the likely causes of HPPD and flashbacks.
Are There Any Indicators to How Long the Flashbacks Will Last?

Flashbacks can happen to anyone after using hallucinogens, however it is more common for those with psychological issues.
Even if a person has been abusing these drugs for less time or does not have any prior issues with psychiatric problems, there is no way of knowing if the flashbacks will last less or more time than someone who has experienced these issues or abused the drug more frequently. Because there is no specific indication of what the individual’s experience will be like in this sense, it is important for them to receive treatment to help them deal with their symptoms and, with time and the right treatment program, they will begin to see a reduction in these experiences.
What About Treatment for Flashbacks?
If you have been using hallucinogenic drugs or if you used them in the past and now suffer from flashbacks, consider treatment to help you cope with the anxiety and suffering that you are feeling. Flashbacks, the threat of a flashback, or the mere idea of having such can be scary.
We offer a number of programs that can provide counseling and therapy which will aid in your recovery from this situation. Call our helpline toll free at 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) today to speak with a specialist who can assist you.
Don’t let flashbacks or the anxiety attached to this fear of flashbacks ruin your life. Call for help and let us show you how good recovery can feel.
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