How Do I Get My Friend to Seek Treatment for Ecstasy Abuse?
It can be very difficult to help a friend or loved one realize that they are in need of addiction treatment, especially for a drug like ecstasy. Many people do not realize how dangerous the effects of this drug can be, causing them to abuse it without regard to their health.
Call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) now to find a rehab program that can treat your friend, and read on to learn how to help them recognize they need this level of professional assistance.
Tell Them the Facts
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “MDMA affects many of the same neurotransmitter systems in the brain that are targeted by other addictive drugs.”
While there have not been enough studies conducted to state with assurance that ecstasy causes addiction, the side effects of its abuse and the issues it causes strongly point to this likelihood.
- Ecstasy abuse causes tolerance and dependence over time, which are both strong signs of an addictive substance.
- Ecstasy abuse can cause anxiety and depression.
- Cravings have been identified in those who use ecstasy consistently and often.
- The drug may cause depletion of serotonin and memory over time (Center for Substance Abuse Research)
- When taken in high doses, the drug can cause an individual to become so dehydrated, they may lose consciousness or even die.
Ecstasy abuse can cause anxiety and depression.
Though some individuals may feel that they are in control of their MDMA abuse to the point where they won’t experience its dangerous effects, the substance has been known to cause compulsive drug-seeking in those who continue to abuse.
Use “I” Statements
Telling someone what you think they’re doing wrong or being critical of them is not likely to help them realize they need treatment. Many individuals become defensive or even hostile in this case.
To combat this possibility, use “I” statements such as, “I’ve noticed you are using a lot more than you used to,” instead of saying, “You’re using too much.” This keeps them from feeling like you are laying blame.
Offer to Help
Some people do not seek the help they need, even when they know they need it, because they think it will be too hard or that they can go it alone. Remind them not only that it is much safer and better for them to seek professional help but also that you will be there every step of the way.
Having your support will go a long way in allowing your friend to gain the confidence and awareness they require to seek the help they truly need.
Find Treatment Now
If you attempt to talk to your friend without having a plan in place, they might say they are going to seek help when really they have no intention of doing so. This is the nature of addiction, and while it can be difficult to understand, it is important to put a plan into place beforehand to keep it from happening.
Be ready to tell your friend, “I’ve found a program I think would be helpful” when you talk to them.
Call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) now to find rehab centers that will cater to your friend’s needs and help them put an end to their dangerous abuse of ecstasy.
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