10 Symptoms to Look for When you Suspect Addiction to Hallucinogens
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, hallucinogens are drugs the distort reality. There are several different types of hallucinogens but each of them share some symptoms in common. This is part of what makes them hallucinogens.
1. Disorientation
Most people who are on hallucinogens are become disoriented. This disorientation is due to the fact that the sensory input they are experiencing is different from reality.
2. Seeing Things that are not Really There
Part of taking a hallucinogen is for the visual hallucinations. These hallucinations can be mild movement of patterns or full-blown people and things. If someone is seeing things chances are they are on a hallucinogen.
3. Hearing Things
Hearing things that are not really there are another symptom of hallucinogen use. Many people who take hallucinogens hear things that are not there such as phones ringing, whispers, or people talking.
4. Wanting to Touch Different Textures

Hallucinogens can cause visual and auditory hallucinations.
People taking hallucinogens often stroke objects or sometimes other people. This is a form of tactile hallucination. Some people find textures fascinating while they are taking these drugs. They seek out different sensations particularly on specific hallucinogens.
5. Confusion
Since the person who took the drug is hallucinating, confusion is to be expected. They might not understand what is real and what is not real. They talk about things that do not exist much less make sense. They also might skip words or confuse words without realizing it.
6. Disconnection with Reality
Hallucinations are a disconnection with reality. This disconnection is very obvious when you are talking to someone who is hallucinating. They might say or do strange things in reaction to what they are hallucinating.
7. Inability to Communicate
Some hallucinogens stop a person’s ability to communicate coherently. Some of them interrupt the speech centers of the brain and cause a condition called dysphasia. Sometimes while you are on the drug, you cannot speak coherently even when the speech centers are unaffected. You are so trapped in your mind you have issues forming thoughts into words.
8. Distorted Perception of Time
Almost all hallucinogens distort time. Sometimes time speeds up for them and sometimes it slows way down. Most people will check their watch or the clock multiple times in a short period.
9. Clumsy or Ungainly Movement
Most people who are hallucinating are uncoordinated and may appear ungainly as they react to what they are hallucinating. Some hallucinogens also cause lack of coordination.
10. Delusions
Delusions and delusional behavior often accompany the use of hallucinogens. They might believe that they are something else or they might have delusions of grandeur or think that they can fly.
Finding Help for Someone Addicted to Hallucinogens
Although many people will say that hallucinogens are not addictive, some of them are physically addictive and all of them are psychologically addictive. If you know someone who exhibits the symptoms of hallucinogen addiction, call us at 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) . We can help you find the treatment that you need.
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