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Signs of Hallucinogen Addiction - Abuse of hallucinogens can be very dangerous. They cause hallucinations that can make people hurt themselves and others, among other things.
Dream Addiction and Hallucinogens - According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, hallucinogens are a wide class of drugs that cause sensory distortions. It is said that they can distort reality to a point where you do not know what is real and what is not. When you hallucinate you can see anything that you imagine depending on the ...
What is a Process Addiction? - Many people who abuse hallucinogens become addicted to the process of taking the drug, and to the way it makes them feel.
Symptoms of Hallucinogen Addiction - The addictive properties of hallucinogens are not as strong as in other drugs, though they do exist. Hallucinogens have been known to cause many abuse and addiction related issues.
How Does Boredom Destroy Hallucinogen Addiction Recovery? - Being bored leads to the desire to escape reality, which is often why people start using hallucinogens in the first place.