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How to Tell if Someone You Know is Using Hallucinogens

Since their resurgence in popularity, hallucinogens are now a serious concern for many doctors, nurses, parents, teachers, and friends. Since hallucinations often resemble mental illness, it can be difficult to tell if someone is using them or not. In the case of a mental illness, a hallucinating person is a serious concern. In the case of someone taking a hallucinogen, it might mean they need drug addiction treatment. It can be extremely difficult to tell the difference between the two but there are some signs that that a person is taking hallucinogens. Most of these signs depend on the hallucinogen they are taking.

Signs Someone is using LSD

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse LSD is a very powerful hallucinogen made from the ergot fungus. This is one of the most popular hallucinogens on the market. It is also one of the easiest to physically hide. It is normally dusted onto paper and the paper is then consumed. The signs of LSD use are:

  • distorted senses
  • unusually tactile (touch and feel things that they ordinarily wouldn’t)
  • dilated pupils
  • paranoia
  • irrational behavior probably due to what they are seeing or hearing
  • will stare for excessive amounts of time at things like walls or carpets
  • saying unusual things
  • loss of self-control in some situations

Signs Someone is Using Psilocybin Mushrooms

Often called magic mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms are the most common hallucinogen. They are readily available in most areas in the United States. The mushrooms grow wild and are picked by people wishing to consume them. People make them into tea, kool aid, or even put them on pizza. The signs that someone is using psilocybin mushrooms are:

  • hot and cold feeling
  • dilated pupils
  • impaired motor skills
  • rapid breathing
  • vomiting
  • euphoria
  • perceptual distortion
  • hostility
  • changes in personality

Signs Someone is on PCP


PCP can cause permanent psychosis.

PCP, also often referred to as Angel Dust, is a dissociative drug. This means it separates a person’s mind from their body or at least makes it feel like the mind is separate from the body. People on PCP are sometimes very dangerous because they do not feel much by way of physical pain. There are stories of people on PCP punching through walls or walking through glass doors. Some of the signs of PCP use are:

  • euphoria
  • delusions
  • hallucinations
  • suicidal thoughts and tendencies
  • violent or extremely aggressive behavior
  • a blank stare, a look that is often called a thousand mile stare
  • confusion or irrational thinking
  • unusual loss of sensitivity
  • behavior resembling schizophrenia

Unfortunately, the ill effects of PCP can also be deadly. By taking PCP you open yourself up to things like:

  • permanent psychosis
  • coma
  • respiratory failure
  • speech impairment
  • inability to feel pain
  • death

The side effects of PCP that are not deadly can last up to a year after the last dose. Long term use of PCP heightens these risks.

Signs of Someone Using Mescaline or Peyote

Peyote is one of the most natural of the hallucinogens. It is produced from a cactus and many Native American cultures still use it in spiritual rituals across the country. Peyote is a very long acting powerful hallucinogen. The more common Mescaline is refined from Peyote. The signs that someone is using peyote are:

  • unusual sense of wellbeing
  • euphoria
  • changes in personality after coming down
  • changes in appetite
  • perceptual distortion
  • time distortion
  • dilated pupils
  • hallucinations
  • vivid nightmares
  • overall changes in mental state

Although many of these hallucinogens are non-addictive, they can be psychologically stimulating to the point where someone wants to use them frequently. Most people who use hallucinogens on a regular basis will eventually experience a phenomena called a bad trip.

There are many reasons people might have a bad trip. Some of these reasons are:

  • amount of the drug used
  • length of use
  • poly drug use, using more than one drug at a time
  • previous mental illness
  • bad feeling going into the hallucinations
  • scary or unhealthy surroundings
  • being frightened before or while using the drug
  • unusual or unfamiliar surroundings
  • unexpected unpleasant events

A bad trip can result in unpleasant dreams, memories, or psychosis. It is one of the key dangers of using any hallucinogen. Many people go their lifetime without experiencing a bad trip because they get away from the drugs before it happens. A bad trip or psychosis can happen whether it is your first time using a hallucinogen or the 100th.

For some people it is difficult to tell whether they are using a hallucinogen or not. If they are experienced with the drug, they can usually, hide everything but the physical symptoms such as dilated pupils or excessive changes in temperature. If some you know is exhibiting signs of using hallucinogens it is never too late to stop. With most hallucinogens, there is little or no withdrawal symptoms and since many of them are have a short half-life they exit the body quickly. The key is stopping before the long term effects start to take place. For more information on hallucinogen use or if someone you know is addicted to hallucinogens call us at 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) .

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