20 Things You Need to Know about Synthetic Hallucinogens
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a new and dangerous trend has turned up in the drug trade. Synthetic hallucinogens and psychedelics are proving to be more dangerous than previously thought.
1. They are Deadly
There are more and more deaths reported due to synthetic hallucinogens. Hospitals are getting more reported cases of people becoming seriously ill after taking them.
2. They can Cause you to Do Horrible Things
When you are on a synthetic hallucinogen, you are not in control of your actions. There have been reports of people harming each other or themselves while taking synthetic hallucinogens.
3. They are Often Mixed with Dangerous Chemicals
There is no regulation on what they put in synthetic hallucinogens.
4. Some of the Dangerous Ones are Sold Legally Online

Synthetic hallucinogens can be easily purchased online and in some shops.
It is difficult to tell what is safe and what is not when products are sold online without regulation. Many of them are sold legally on the internet.
5. They are Not Difficult to Acquire
It is easy to purchase synthetic hallucinogens online or in shops. Again these are unregulated and can be unsafe.
6. Most People think they are Safe
Many people think they are safe because they are sold online or in stores. They do not have the warnings that they should and are not evaluated by the FDA.
7. You can Overdose on Them
Just because you cannot overdose on many of the traditional hallucinogens, it does not mean you cannot overdose on these. Many contain other chemicals that will kill in large quantities.
8. They are not Like the Real Thing
These do not produce the same effects of traditional hallucinogens and contain dangers that the traditional ones do not.
9. People Believe they are Not Addictive
Just because they are sold online does not mean they are not addictive. Many of the synthetics are highly addictive.
10. They can Cause Physical Problems
Liver, kidney, lung, and heart damage have all been reported with these drugs.
11. They can also Cause Psychological Problems
Many of these synthetics have serious psychological consequences including cognitive dysfunction and permanent hallucinations.
12. Synthetic Hallucinogens are Linked to Cognitive Disabilities
These hallucinogens have been linked to learning and other cognitive disabilities, especially when someone young takes them.
13. You Might End up with a Secondary Infection
Some people inject these drugs and end up with a secondary infection such as HIV and Hepatitis.
14. They Cause you to Engage in High Risk Behaviors
You take more chances when the synthetic hallucinogens lower your inhibitions such as high risk sex and crime.
15. You can Get Arrested
Many of these synthetics are now illegal.
16. Most Hospitals do not Know how to Deal with a Bad Reaction
If you react badly to the drug, the hospital that you go to might not know how to deal with the reaction.
17. Most Hospitals do not Know how to Deal with an Overdose
Hospitals that are unfamiliar with synthetics, do not know how to stop an overdose.
18. Sometimes they are Mixed with Harmful Chemicals
Many of these drugs are mixed with substances like bleach, ammonia, and other issues.
19. Retailers offer No Warnings about the Dangers
Retailers do not warn you of the dangers of taking these drugs.
20. Once Addicted it is Very Difficult to Break Free
The addiction to synthetic hallucinogens is extremely dangerous. Fortunately help is available, all you have to do is call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) .
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