Is Ecstasy a Hallucinogen (And Will I Need Treatment If I Abuse It)?
MDMA (also known by its other names ecstasy or molly) is a hallucinogenic drug, and if you abuse it consistently and become addicted, you will very likely require treatment. Call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) now if you would like to find a rehab program that can help you put an end to your ecstasy abuse.
What Are the Properties of Ecstasy?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “MDMA is the methylenedioxy derivative of methamphetamine.” This is why ecstasy has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties.
As stated by the Center for Substance Abuse Research, when someone abuses the drug, they experience a number of intense short-term effects, including:

Ecstasy can cause hallucinations, paranoia, and anxiety.
- Muscle tension
- Heightened senses
- Hallucinations
- Euphoria
- Empathy for others
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Chills
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Dehydration
- Increased body temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, and heart rate
Unfortunately, MDMA also has addictive properties, as it can create an intense and uncomfortable withdrawal syndrome, dependence, tolerance, and drug-seeking behavior. Not all hallucinogens cause these types of addictive effects, but partly because ecstasy has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties, it does have a stronger ability to create addiction.
Can Ecstasy Addiction Be Treated?
Yes. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “There are no specific treatments for MDMA abuse,” but someone who is struggling with this issue can be treated in much the same way as another individual suffering from drug addiction. To put it another way, ecstasy addiction can be treated through the common, evidence-based practices mainly associated with addiction rehab.
- Though there are no medications currently approved to treat ecstasy addiction, one can be given certain drugs in treatment to curb withdrawal effects and to make rehab and recovery easier. For example, the US Department of Veteran Affairs states, “Dantrolene sodium is a skeletal muscle relaxant that lessens rigidity and hyperthermia,” and this can be given to ecstasy users who come into treatment still intoxicated. Once they begin to withdraw from the drug, however, withdrawal symptoms similar to those caused by stimulants, such as depression, fatigue, lethargy, and trouble concentrating, are common. The medications used to treat these issues in stimulant abusers can often be utilized in this case.
- Behavioral therapies are the main options for ecstasy addicts and abusers. Those who are having trouble putting an end to their use of the drug will often require therapeutic options that will allow them to learn
- Better life skills that are conducive to a life in recovery
- How to cope with stress and cravings
- How to recognize and avoid triggers that could lead to the above issues
- More about the reasons why they began using drugs in the first place
Those who struggle with their ecstasy abuse, experience withdrawal symptoms, and are unable to stop using the drug on their own can often benefit greatly from professional treatment. While a person isn’t likely to become addicted to ecstasy the very first time they use it––or even if they use it sporadically––an individual could experience this issue if they take ecstasy often. As a result, it is important to consider whether or not treatment may be necessary for you.
Do I Need Treatment for Ecstasy Addiction?
It is important to consult a doctor to find out if your ecstasy abuse has gotten dangerous or out of control. However, there certain issues caused by ecstasy addiction that are a good indicator of whether or not you will require treatment. If you
- Abuse ecstasy every day
- Feel that you cannot get through the day, get out of bed, have fun, etc. without it
- Experience severe withdrawal symptoms whenever you come down from the drug
- Seek the drug to the detriment of yourself or others
- Have become very secretive about your ecstasy use or hostile when others bring it up
- Have neglected important responsibilities on more than one occasion in order to use the drug
- Have lost interest in things and activities that used to matter to you
there is a possibility that you could benefit from––and possibly even require––professional treatment in order to overcome your ecstasy abuse.
Let Us Help You Find Treatment
Call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) now to find a rehab program that will benefit your needs and allow you to recover in the safest way possible for your situation.
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