15 Reasons to Stop Using Mescaline Today
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, mescaline is the hallucinogenic compound found in peyote. Although ancient and modern tribes use this drug for medicine and spiritual practices that does not mean that it is not dangerous. Although most people are fine after using mescaline once or twice, using it more often is hazardous.
1. Escaping your Problems Does Not Solve Them
Many people use mescaline to escape their problems, unfortunately only doing something about your problems solves them.
2. You can Develop HPPD
HPPD is hallucinogen persistent perceptive disorder. People who overuse hallucinogens get this permanent condition.
3. Mescaline is Expensive
Mescaline on the illegal market is extremely expensive, using it often can deplete your finances.
4. It can Make you do Things you Otherwise Would Not

Mescaline can cause permanent HPPD.
You are in a highly suggestive state while you are hallucinating. Someone could talk you into doing something that you wouldn’t do otherwise.
5. The Visions are Not Real
Although it would be nice, the things that you see are not real. You need to live in reality without using drugs to make you happy.
6. Mescaline is Addictive
Although not physically addictive, mescaline is psychologically addictive. This is very dangerous and can hurt you in the long run. Many people who use mescaline do not want to stop.
7. Recovery from the Addiction is Difficult
Psychological addiction is much more difficult to overcome than physical addiction. This addiction is challenging and requires months, sometimes years of counseling.
8. You can Lose your Job
Being late or absent because you are or were using mescaline will cost you, your job. Most employers do not tolerate excuses due to drug use for very long.
9. You can Lose your Family and Friends
When you are hallucinating, you do not make sense to many people outside of those who know what you are on. Most people have no idea. Talking to yourself or talking about your hallucinations just confuses those around you.
10. The Things that you Need to do Won’t Get Done
When you are doing the drug, nothing that you need to do gets finished. It is impossible to do anything productive while you are hallucinating other than try and interpret the hallucinations.
11. Many Drugs Sold as Mescaline are Not Actually Mescaline
Most of the drugs that are sold as peyote or mescaline are not actually mescaline. They are a mix of mescaline and some other drug or something else entirely.
12. You can Have Lasting Psychological Trauma
Lasting psychological trauma is one issue with mescaline that people do not expect. When you hallucinate the hallucination can be traumatic or nightmarish to you. This can cause lasting trauma.
13. You will Have Flashbacks to the Experience
Flashbacks are small flashes of the hallucinations you experienced. You can have a flashback months or years later.
14. You are Unable to Help yourself When you are Hallucinating
If something happens when you are hallucinating, you cannot judge whether or not you can help yourself. You could find yourself in a very dangerous situation that you cannot help yourself out of.
15. There is Help Available
The biggest reason to stop a mescaline addiction today is that there is help readily available. All you need to do is call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) .
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