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What Are Some Surprising Statistics About Hallucinogen Abuse?

Unfortunately, not a lot of focus is placed on hallucinogenic drugs and their abuse. This is problematic because statistics show that the abuse of these drugs is common––and very dangerous. If you have been abusing hallucinogens and need help, call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) now to find safe, reliable treatment.

Hallucinogen Abuse and Young Adults

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, individuals age 18 to 25 are the most likely to abuse hallucinogenic drugs. 16.6 percent of individuals in this age group surveyed in 2014 stated that they had used hallucinogens in their lifetime.

This is compared to the 16.2 percent of individuals 26 and older who stated the same. While young adults are the most likely to abuse these drugs, a number of adolescents still do as well.

In another NIDA study in 2015, 2 percent of 8th graders surveyed stated that they had used hallucinogens at least once in their lifetime. However, these numbers jump over 2 percent each time when the question was asked of 10th graders (4.6 percent) and again when asked of 12th graders (6.4 percent).

Younger individuals are in fact using hallucinogenic drugs, and it is important for parents, teachers, and other individuals who are influential in these individuals’ lives to talk to them early on.

Specific Hallucinogenic Abuse Statistics

Hallucinogen Abuse

Young adults are the most likely to abuse hallucinogens.

As also stated by the NIDA, “According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and health, 229,000 Americans ages 12 and older reported current (past-month) use of LSD and 33,000 reported current use of PCP.”

High school students also seemed to use salvia more often than any other type of hallucinogenic drug. However, the amount of salvia use has been dropping significantly since 2011 (where it hit one of its highest points of abuse among 12th graders).

This is fortunate, but according to the NIDA’s findings, use of both LSD and PCP had increased ever so slightly from 2013 to 2014. Ayahuasca abuse has also increased, due to tourism to the Amazon for the exact purpose of using this drug. As stated by the Drug Enforcement Administration, “The most commonly abused hallucinogens among junior and senior high school students are hallucinogenic mushrooms, LSD, and MDMA or ecstasy.”

It is important to realize, although we may imagine that hallucinogenic drugs are not as popular as they once were, they are still being abused by many individuals in large amounts for various reasons.

Overdose Statistics

While hallucinogens have a reputation of being particularly deadly drugs, it is rare for a person to die strictly of any physical, overdose effects. These drugs usually do not cause severe or life-threatening symptoms on their own, except for MDMA, which can create body temperatures so high that a person may pass out and die of dehydration or heat exhaustion. However, this scenario is rare (Center for Substance Abuse Research).

Instead, people normally die from the behavioral effects of taking hallucinogens. These drugs often cause people to act dangerously, to do things they wouldn’t normally do, and as a result, they can perform risky acts such as jumping from buildings or getting into fights.

Accidental fatalities, suicide, violent behavior, and homicides are more often the causes of hallucinogen-related deaths than the physical symptoms caused by the drugs themselves.

More Surprising Hallucinogen Statistics

  • According to the US Department of Justice, “Individuals of all ages use PCP.” The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse reported that “an estimated 6 million U.S. residents aged 12 and older used PCP at least once in their life.”
  • Drugs like LSD, peyote, and psilocybin aren’t actually considered addictive by the Drug Enforcement Administration (NIDA). This is because these drugs cause rapid tolerance, no compulsive drug seeking or use, and often, effects so intense that an individual will need time away from the substance to recuperate. However, other hallucinogens, like MDMA and PCP, can be very addictive.
  • LSD is often considered to be the most highly abused hallucinogen across the board.

Do You Need Help for Hallucinogen Abuse?

Call 800-411-9312 (Who Answers?) now to find a reliable rehab program where you can begin treatment for hallucinogen abuse and addiction. We can also answer any questions you may have about substance abuse and your treatment program. Let us help you make a change for the better.

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